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Best Practices

When developing client applications for the Flipkart MarketPlace:

  • Ensure that your client applications are ready to handle changes to the response structure and do not break when new fields are added.
  • Do not hardcode the access token for the client application as it expires after a certain duration (60 days). To keep track of token expiration, you can use the expires_in seconds value which you get while generating the token {"access_token":"<token>","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"<refresh_token>","expires_in":3330779,"scope":Seller_Api"}
  • Keep a log of all the Flipkart API requests and reponses in your client application.
  • Note that the response elements and fields are not returned in any particular sequence. The samples provided in our documentation are for reference only.
  • If subscribed for notifications, ensure that all the incoming events are accepted and handled as needed i.e., even if some events are not useful for your use-case, accept the event and perform a no-operation.
    • Since Flipkart ensures the ordering of the events, all the incoming events must be consumed by the client apps inorder to receive the subsequent events of the group. A failure in event consumption will lead to non-delivery of the new events of this group.