Fixit Felix

The bootcamp session on troubleshooting

Presentation Slides

- Part A: Treasure hunt
- Part B: A War story from M.A.S.H

Install beforehand
Please install these before the session. Virtualbox is a large download.
- Virtualbox
- Vagrant

The links above contain locally (in EA) saved copies for faster download.

Hands-on workshop covering:
- Tools for troubleshooting
- Understand the thought process of troubleshooting
  * problem isolation
  * forming hypotheses
  * confirmation
  * reproduceability

IRC Channel

Glossary of Tools
- shell: 
	* grep, sed, awk
	* comm, pipes, xargs
- Files: 
	* lsof, find
	* du, df
- Mysql: 
	* error logs, slow logs
	* indexes, foreign keys
	* binary log, mysqlbinlog
- /proc filesystem
- Process management: 
	* cron
	* init (sys v init), daemontools
- Java: 
	* garbage collection, jhat, jmap
	* jconsole, jmx
- Network: 
	* ifconfig, lsof, netstat
	* ngrep, tcpdump, wireshark
	* ssh port forwarding
- Monitoring: 
	* top
	* sar(sysstat), iostat, vmstat
Attribution: Background image is of Fix-It Felix, Jr., from the Movie “Wreck-It Ralph” by Walt Disney Studios